
The Western Dressage Association of Arizona (WDAAZ) promotes the sport of Western Dressage in Arizona.

WDAAZ is the only WDAA affiliate in Arizona.

WDAAZ offers clinics, live shows, virtual shows, and a year-end awards program.

The WDAAZ mission is to build an equine community that combines the Western traditions of horse and rider with Classical Dressage.



Benefits of Joining WDAAZ

  • Allows you to enter WDAAZ sponsored clinics, live shows, and virtual shows
  • Qualify for Regional & National competitions
  • Qualify for Regional & National Year-End High Point Awards
  • Eligible for Arizona Year-End Awards
  • Supporting the continuation and growth of Western Dressage in Arizona

Join the Western Dressage Association of America (WDAA)

A current WDAA membership is required to be a member of WDAAZ.

Join the Western Dressage Association of Arizona (WDAAZ)

$30 WDAAZ General Membership
$10 Youth Membership (under 18 previous Dec. 1)
(must provide WDAA Membership #):

Existing Member Renewal

Existing Members, renew your membership here:

New Member Signup

New Members, join WDAAZ here: